What Are Colostomy Bags Used For? The Expert Breakdown
Time to read 6 min
Time to read 6 min
A colostomy bag is a pouching system that is helpful for people who have undergone a surgical procedure known as colostomy. But what are colostomy bags used for, and why do some people need them? This article answers these basic questions for you.
Waste removal is usually done naturally through the process of defecation, but a colostomy is a medical process that redirects this action through surgery. Digested food is excreted from the body via the rectum, but there are certain illnesses that affect this process.
The body's natural pathways can end up becoming severely damaged, obstructed, or blocked for whatever reason. Once these conditions occur, the doctor will need to create a stoma. A stoma is an opening that can be placed on the abdomen. It allows the body to pass waste through a different pathway.
A section of the colon is brought to the surface of the abdomen, and this is how stomas are made. The human body directly expels stool into a colostomy bag instead of passing waste through the rectum. This colostomy bag is secured around the stoma, which ensures that waste is collected in a hygienic manner.
Colostomies may be performed on a temporary or permanent basis. When the colon needs time to recover following an injury or surgery, temporary colostomies are made. Normal bowel functions can be restored after some time. However, when the lower part of the digestive system is permanently removed or damaged due to certain diseases, permanent colostomies are made.
Despite colostomies appearing difficult to manage, the quality of life is not impacted thanks to the modern designed bags that are discreet, comfortable, and allow for easy movement.
Colostomy bags have become essential for people who are unable to pass stool the normal way, which brings us to the question: what are colostomy bags used for? While it might seem like an odd device to some, it offers an effortless and hygienic way of managing waste. The colostomy bag also helps mitigate the chances of abdomen discomfort because it collects waste in a refined and odor-controlled manner.
Colostomy bags are needed for individuals with any illnesses of the colon or rectum. The body with a nonfunctioning colon requires an external system to control waste; colostomy bags make sure that the stool is properly collected without any issues of infection or leakage.
These bags come with skin-friendly adhesives, which make it easy for the person to wear them for long durations. Many of these models come equipped with odor-blocking filters to avoid any unwanted smells. While some are disposed of after a single use, others can be emptied and used multiple times during the day.
Aside from these important functions, colostomy bags help people attain self-sufficiency after surgery in a variety of ways. Many worry about how they can carry out day-to-day activities like going out or even working. A properly fitted colostomy bag allows these individuals to go back to normal routines with little inconvenience.
Given the challenges faced with an unmanaged stoma, whether required for a few days or for the rest of the person's life, colostomy bags are the crucial factor that allows people to live with comfort and confidence.
A colostomy bag is crucial for people whose gastrointestinal tract can no longer function normally. There are several medical conditions and situations that may require a colostomy to be performed, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.
Some of the more common conditions include colon cancer, which often makes it necessary to operate on the person's bowel by performing a hemicolectomy. It is a procedure which involves removing part of the colon. A lower colostomy may be performed if the disease involves the lower colon or rectum.
Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis as inflammatory bowel diseases profoundly affect the intestines, and when more conservative options like drugs or other treatments are not sufficient, surgery is necessary, which in turn requires the use of a colostomy bag.
Another common reason for colostomy surgery is diverticulitis, which is characterized by inflammation or infection of small pouches of the colon. When this inflammation becomes severe, it is necessary to remove part of the colon, which ultimately requires a colostomy.
Body injuries resulting from accidents, surgical operations, or infections can result in loss of bowel control or lead to stoma formation. Damage that surpasses the degree of repairable leads to the placing of a colostomy bag.
Some individuals are born with digestive system disorders. Such individuals may need to undergo colostomy surgery within the first years of their life for appropriate waste removal.
Regardless of the reason, colostomy bags can enable people to lead their lives to the fullest while taking care of their health.
Colostomy bags come in a variety of styles based on individual needs. The two main categories are one-piece systems and two-piece systems, each having a different cut for a colostomy bag.
As the name suggests, the one-piece pouch colostomy bag is made of a pouch and an adhesive barrier and is applied as a single unit. This style is popular with people who desire ease in application and comfort as the bag is less cumbersome compared to other designs. The design allows people to save time as well.
In a two-piece colostomy bag, the pouch is detached from the barrier that goes on the skin. Users do not need to remove the skin barrier each time they wish to change the bag, which is better for sensitive skin. This design is usually preferred by people who require changes more frequently.
Drainable bags can be emptied and used multiple times throughout the day, making them easy to carry. Closed-end bags are designed for single use only and are discarded right after they fill up, making them easy to store during times when changing is not an option. Ultimately, the right type of colostomy bag is dependent on a person's level of comfort and activity.
To eliminate the risk of developing complications, a colostomy bag must be maintained and used properly, which is essential for hygiene. Though difficult at first, adopting this simple routine will expand comfort levels greatly.
To attach a colostomy bag, the skin around the stoma needs to be clean and dry. For this, the area can be gently washed using mildly warm water. Rubbing alcohol is an irritant and should thus not be used. Once the area is dry, the adhesive is tightly secured.
It is essential to take the bag out on a frequent basis to ensure that any possible leaks or discomforts do not arise. When a person has a drainable colostomy bag, it is best practice to empty it when it is approximately 1/3 full.
The first way to do this is to open the bag's bottom over a toilet. The next step is to pour the contents and then clean the opening of the bag before sealing it. In the case of closed-end bags, these are thrown away after use, and a new one is applied.
The changing schedule of the colostomy bag depends on the individual's needs, lifestyle, or condition type. While some are able to change it on a daily basis, others can last a few days. Barrier wipes or stoma powders are also effective and essential in preventing the skin around the stoma from getting irritated.
Also, people with colostomy should be on the lookout for any substantial discomforts or leaks. The bag should be exchanged if it begins to feel loose. In the end, adjusting to a colostomy bag is like learning any other routine. It may seem difficult at first, but in a week or two, confidence sprouts in day-to-day activities and chores.
Picking the appropriate colostomy bag is critical to ensure your comfort, convenience, and confidence. With so many options available, a person should think about the factors of fit, strength, and ease of operation. With advanced colostomy bags, everyday life can be made simpler by lessening leakages, minimizing smell, and providing privacy.
At HEAGI , we appreciate quality ostomy products. Each of our one-piece and two-piece colostomy bags has a soft cover, an odor control filter, and secure adhesion for maximum comfort. We readily sell high-quality, affordable bags because we understand that everyone has different needs. These HEAGI products are widely trusted for reliability, making them ideal for anyone seeking effective and discreet colostomy care solutions.
Having a colostomy requires making certain changes to your lifestyle, but with the right information and tools, anyone can live life to the fullest. If you are on the lookout for cost-effective and good-quality colostomy bags, HEAGI has a collection that will best satisfy your requirements. Your comfort, confidence, and peace of mind are all important, and having the right product can ensure that.